Rachael Record

Investigator, Center for Tobacco and the Environment


Dr. Record is an Associate Professor of Communication in the College of Professional Studies & Fine Arts at San Diego State University and a Core Researcher with the Center for Communication, Health, & the Public Good. Dr. Record’s research, typically grounded in behavior change theories, employs mixed methods to examine campaign and intervention strategies to improve tobacco-related health behavior outcomes. She is a Co-Investigator of the Thirdhand Smoke Resource Center, funded through the Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program. Her role in the Center is to assist with the Center’s online footprint and oversee campaign strategies, including design, implementation, and evaluation. She earned her PhD in Communication at the University of Kentucky. She is looking forward to a world free of the influence of Big Tobacco with the Policy Center. When Dr. Record is not busy with research and teaching, you can find her with her husband and two dogs exploring San Diego’s restaurants and beaches. With the Policy Center, she is looking forward to a world free of the influence of Big Tobacco.