Alternatives to Suspension – Adopt Restorative Practices in Schools about Tobacco’s Toxic Environmental Legacy

Project Updates

September 3, 2024: This project will begin Fall 2024.

Students who struggle with vaping or other tobacco products need support to successfully quit. The San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) has an under-utilized restorative practices policy to educate students on the harms of vaping if they are found vaping at school. The Policy Center wants to help SDUSD increase this practice’s use.

We will conduct 3 Rapid Response Projects to answer these questions:

1. How do students and parents think about restorative practices? 

We will interview parents and students.

2. What do school faculty and administration think about restorative practices?

We will survey teachers, counselors, and other faculty at schools with restorative practices, and we will interview school administrators.

3. How do we develop an effective restorative practice?

We will host a half-day workshop for parents, students, school staff, and community members to discuss the impacts of tobacco on the environment, restorative practices, community perspectives about the issues, and ideas for components/activities that should be included in community-wide restorative practices.


  1. Infographics and reports survey and interview results
  2. Presentations for participating schools, school boards, and CTCP-funded programs
  3. Guidelines for restorative practices focused on the impact of tobacco product waste in communities
  4. Guidelines for other schools to replicate our restorative process workshop